Clients Transformations


- Lost 35+ lbs

- Gained confidence

- Eliminated all Prescription medications

Allysha's Story-
I met Allysha while training with a different company. At that time she suffered from anxiety, weight gain and bad body image issues. I'm sure that we can all understand the 3 could become a perpetuating cycle; 1 affecting another. Constantly tired and stressed about going out in public, Allysha's main goals were to loose weight, feel less tired, feel better about herself and reduce her medication.
Most of Allysha's hard work was done on her own through distance training, motivation and positive reinforcement that she is heading in the right direction. But in the short amount of time I got to work with her I saw a beautiful, caring, young woman just yearning for an opportunity to trust someone, mostly herself. PUSH Fitness taught her to not be afraid of lifting weights to put curves In the right places and to help burn fat. Learn to appreciate her workouts and her runs. Even though they are hard they will be her saving grace from the stresses of every day life. The endorphins released is your body's natural anti anxiety and anti depressant drug.
I'm sure we can all see the amazing difference Allysha has made in her life. Her physical transformation is amazing. But what we don't see is the new direction and outlook she has on life. I was right; that amazing, caring personality is shining through. Allysha was able to eliminate her medication, she smiles every day, had eliminated all the toxic relationships from her life, is in an not so new healthy relation and has started onto a great career of helping people.
What I hope everyone understands is that it was a lot of hard work, daily inner battles and constantly starting over. I saw the fire that Allysha felt within herself. PUSH Fitness just stoked that fire. She kept it burning, and continues to add fuel to that fire.
I commend Allysha for not backing down from a challenge, but more so for not succumbing to the obstacles she was dealt. Your future looks bright kid. You did that. Always remember that. Keep smiling, it looks good on you.


- Lost 50 lbs for her 50th Birthday

- Quit Smoking

"I started working with Jason in April of 2012 and I continue to this day. I wanted to get fit and lose weight and I am achieving both and I am asstounded with my results. He is funny, dedicated and very personable. Each work is tailored to my early morning mood. I would highly recommend Jason!! Thanks Jason."


- Dropped 4+ dress sizes

"Jason has been instrumental in helping me drop multiple dress sizes. Most importantly, I've made permanent lifestyle changes and with his guidance, I've maintained the weight loss for over two years now."


"I was a national stream gymnast in my youth. It was very difficult for me to find a trainer that was respectful of my competitive sports history and still work with the out of shape, overweight version of that previous athlete. I found that trainer with Jason.
He motivated me and taught me training techniques to get my body to the shape I wanted. These skills haven't just been when I was training with him, but how I was able to translate them into my own workouts. I could hear his voice in the back of my head, making every workout I have done since working with him more efficient, more effective and more fun. He taught me how to work myself, not just rely on him to always lead the way. 
This has been invaluable in the last few months, having recently left Calgary for Houston for work. Jason taught me skills that will be forever incorporated into my athletics. 
My figure has shifted from bloated and somewhat shapeless to a strong physique with a leaner waist, narrower hips and better definition in my arms and legs. My back looks fantastic. My eating habits reflect Jason's lectures without sacrificing fun or feeling deprived. 
The best part about training with Jason has been getting to know him as a person. When you are able to witness his loyalty and dedication to being fit, healthy and strong both spiritually and physically, it motivates you... just being in his presence."


- Mother of 3

- >30% Body Fat to <20% Body Fat

- Spartan Beast Competitor

"After my 3rd pregnancy it was important to me to find a trainer who understood my situation. Knowing that Jason had trained multiple women both during and after their pregnancy, helped put my mind at ease and my faith in his knowledge. Its his charmisma that keeps me showing up each time, but his skill and motivation that helped me acheive much more than I could ever imagine. I now compete in Spartan Races all over North America at levels not possible had I not trained with Jason."

Sports Conditioning Clients


- Pro MMA Fighter

"My training with PUSH Fitness has been ongoing for almost 3 years. I am a professional MMA fighter and have trained MMA for almost 10 years.
An area I was lacking was my strength and conditioning, this is when I started with Jason and PUSH Fitness. My best tool for fighting and training now is my strength and conditioning. I have become known for it. I couldn't be happier with the goals I have achieved thanks to PUSH. I have weight trained my whole life, but once I got to a level in my career, I could admit there is still a lot I don't know. PUSH helped streamline my training, no more wasted workouts. Every workout is designed for my sport and accommodates my other training and injuries.
A hard thing for an athlete to do is to put complete trust in a coach, and have that in Jason. I'm putting my career and health on the line in the cage, and I have trust that my MMA coach will give me more skills than my opponent and my strength and conditioning coach will have me stronger than my opponent.
One of the harder things to do is to get stronger and faster, while not changing my weight. As a fighter I have a goal weight to maintain and only the professional, scientific approach by Jason can get me every result I'm after. I am very motivated in my own training but I have learnt that it is not enough, you need a professional for top level results!
I can't thank PUSH Fitness enough, they have jump started my career. The BEST decision I have ever made."


- Junior Level Hockey

"My father started taking me to see Jason in between [hockey] seasons 4 years ago, to make me faster and stronger. I needed some help building some muscle because I lost so much [weight] during the busy season. Even though I now play out of town now I come back and train with Jason during the off seasons to stay on top of my game. I like how Jason helps me build usable muscle to make me strong on the ice. Im not the biggest guy on the ice but my balance and strength is stronger than ever making me effective against opposing players. Each off season we focus on the things I need the most work on. This time it's buidling size and developing my off the line speed, but Jason always helps fix any injuries from a busy season. This is the 5th off season I've trained with Jason and PUSH Fitness. I like it. Whatever we do it seems to be working. Thanks Jason."


- Tennis Instructor

"I have been doing personal one on one training with Jason for about 6-7 months and have great respect for him. My purpose for doing the personal training was to increase my strength and improve my cardio to help my tennis game. As a tennis player and instructor, I need to be at a certain physical level and Jason has brought me a long way to achieving this.
I have some mental and physical disabilities which give me a greater challenge when it comes to exercising. Jason has always treated me like a regular guy and doesn’t give me any preferential treatment because of my disabilities; I really appreciate him for that. Jason’s exceptional visual concept has helped me greatly when it comes to doing the exercises correctly and he will always notice when I am not doing the exercises properly and show me the correct way. I really like the way he puts variety into the exercise routines which prevents me from getting bored. Both my strength and my self-confidence have dramatically improved in the time I have been training with him and I am finding that I do not have to over compensate with my weaker side as much anymore. 
Jason is an awesome motivator and is always inspiring me to push myself further than I believe I can go; his sense of humor makes my training sessions fun and keeps me on my toes too. I always look forward to my sessions with him as it brings me one step closer to my goals. Cheers Jason."

Adele Gregory- "I have been doing boot camps with Jason for nearly a year and cannot praise him enough for his enthusiasm, dedication, knowledge and humor that he brings along. My self esteem and confidence had hit an all time low at a point in my life that wasn’t good and I knew I was slowly gaining weight. I decided to do something about it and joined Jason's boot camp. 
My son, who has some physical and mental challenges, has also been working with Jason on the Personal Training side. As I mom, I cannot express the gratitude I feel for what Jason has achieved with my son. This was a young man who is very talented in tennis, but had almost zero self confidence and such low self esteem it was painful. By working with Jason, my son has seen phenomenal improvements in every area and today he is a very different person. His outlook on life is more positive, despite his challenges, he has really good self confidence and self esteem and his overall fitness has improved dramatically, hence his tennis game has also improved with extreme positive results! 
Anyone looking to make wellness improvements in their lives should definitely consider working with Jason, it will be the best money you ever spent! Thanks Jason!"


- Climbed Mount Kilimanjaro

Once we booked our package for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, it crossed our minds that we should get some sort of fitness training. Although we are very active people we felt we needed a motivated and efficient workout program that would provide the strength and endurance for such a feat. Jason was our guy. 
In addition to the climb, we were also anxious about our upcoming participation in the Conquer Cancer Ride.  Jason provided an all encompassing regime that helped us both attain and retain positive results to ensure our success in both events. Combining circuit, aerobic and strength training throughout our sessions not only kept things from getting "routine", it also showed physical results which provided the motivation we needed to continue. We have now successfully climbed to the peak of Kibo and finished the Ride, but we continue to see Jason twice a week as we lean towards our next adventure.


Carly Tatomir- "Had my first session with Jason last week and I have nothing but great things to say. When I walked into the gym fitness competitors were having a posing practice and I thought I was way out of my league. My workout with Jason was intense, challenging, and motivating. I have never been that sweaty or out of breath from a weight work out. Awesome way challenge your body to do things you didn't know were possible, and it's amazing how one little correction from Jason makes you feel muscles you didn't know you had! A workout worth every penny."

Sara Abbott- "Jason is an amazing trainer, and with one session has completed changed how I look at form and important it is to properly warm up. I am a beginner power lifter and I have had issues with my squats. While I thought it was just one big issue it turns out it was a couple little issues that just need some adjustments. With a couple muscles being rolled and activated I felt and saw a change in my squats. I still have a lot to work on but now with guidance from Jason and my coach I feel confident that my squats will one day match my dead lift! Thanks Jason!"

Mary-Sue Cowell- "Working out with Jason of PUSH means a focused & intense workout that leaves you feeling accomplished but also looking for more! Thanks Jason!"

Steve Goertzen- "Awesome trainer!!!"

Lindsay Hextall- "If you are looking for a legit trainer who knows his stuff and pushes you where you need to go Jason at PUSH is your guy. First session free - what do you have to lose.....lbs!! What do you have to gain.....your fittest self!"

Jay takes the time to discuss your fitness goals and create workouts that are challenging and PUSH you to places you never thought you could go. 

I have had many trainers over the years and I can honestly say Jay has worked me harder and changed my body and more importantly my fitness level to the best it has ever been. Go see him today. You are worth it."

Lara Nesar Nobari- "Awesome trainer! I mean Jason.. He is professional and knows what he is doing"

Orlene King- "I love Jason's Boot Camp classes! They are challenging which is exactly what I'm after. Jason keeps every class fresh with new exercises to keep it interesting. He incorporates a total body workout and is always willing to give you advise on your trouble spots. High marks from me for Jason!"

Amir Rezai- "During the course of past 2 years, my wife and myself have been working with Jason and he has been either our personal trainer or our trainer in bootcamps. we really like the way it has been going. He spends his time focusing on what we can do, giving us very vast and different exercises which gradually have helped us a alot building our strength. He is quite good in giving advices about nutrition too.He spends all of time of the training with us and paying attention to all the details. He is a very professional and polite individual too. I am really looking forward to continuing the bootcamps and personal training sessions with him and strongly recommend him as a coach/personal trainer."

Kathrine Strashok- "I've know Jason for about 3 years now. He started out training me at a mom and tots bootcamp and then moved up to one-on-ones. The results that I've got from training with Jason are amazing, I don't think I would have been able to get this motivated or feel this great about myself and working out without his help."

Mike Olson- "I have hired various personal trainers over the years, with varying degrees of success and results. Jason is another story. Immediately upon entering a session with Jason, you feel at ease and comfortable working with him. Once his sessions start, he pushes you beyond what you feel is possible, and motivates like no other. He doesn't take "no" for an answer and doesn't allow you to give up. As such, I saw positive changes in my body,under his guidance and training, like I never had before. I would not hesitate to recommend Jason to anyone, from the couch potato to the professional athlete, to change your body for the better. One of the best out there!"

Selly Principio-George- "I am feeling better, looking better -- all because of Jason's expertise and support. Now into week seven of my program, I'm so excited to take it to the next level and meet my fitness goals. Thanks Jason for pushing me "to get my sh@t together!" LOL."

Scott Adair- "I have been training with Jason for just over 15 months and have been extremely happy with the results that I have achieved. He understands how to tailor the workouts to achieve the best results for the client."

Nelson Liem- "I’ve been training with Jay for the past year now and he’s been a great motivator and has definitely pushed me to my limits. He’s built specific programs designed to help me build muscle mass and gain strength. I’ve seen the results and I’m very happy to have found Jay as my personal trainer."

Andrea Bradley- "It started with training for a faster 10-km run, but has since developed into a lifestyle change. Jason has inspired me to commit myself to both strength training and general overall fitness. Combining his martial arts and strength training, with his knowledge of the body and muscle function, allows him to provide professional training to each individual to their highest capability without causing injury or strain. I highly recommend Jason for individuals who are keen on pursuing a happy, healthy and active lifestyle."

Laurel Harris- "When I worked with you, I met with you twice a week as an addition to my current workouts after I finished P90X. Working with you was great because you pushed me harder than I pushed myself. You taught me how to improve my form to avoid the injuries I kept giving myself. You were motivating and a pleasure to work with. My strength increased in the short time we worked together and my body shape changed as well. Thank you and I look forward to working with you again!"

Marshall Palmer- "Once I began working with Jason it became evident early on that he is an experienced personal trainer. He was always prepared for a work out when I arrived and did a thorough job each time. His knowledge about physiology taught me a few things while his concern with safety issues made me feel comfortable in the gym. Not only this but he is an affable person and was a pleasure to work with. I would absolutely recommend him to anyone looking for a trainer."